I founded www.whatisarchitecture.cc in 2012 with the help of Julie Marthe Hoffmann. It currently features 60 interviews with architects from all over the world. The interviews have been seen more than 400.000 times.
“We are interviewing the world’s leading architectural designers and thinkers to learn their opinion about what architecture is and what it can do. Our goal is to provide clear and concise information about architecture from the viewpoint of the contemporary protagonists and thus form a panoramic view of today’s architectural thinking.”
Have look at what Greg Lynn, Wolf Prix, Ben Van Berkel, MVRDV, Jeffrey Kipnis, Patrik Schumacher, Peter Cook and many others think about architecture. WIA has been featured by Archdaily, Casabella, Archinode, World-Architects and many more.
Like us on Facebook or follow us on Vimeo for up to date information on our latest additions. Here is our teaser and two of our favourite interviews, be sure to watch them in HD quality.
Two examples: